Children's Ministry

All churches have kids... we just happen to think ours are better, and WAY cooler than most! God says that children are like arrows, and we are blessed to have a quiver full of them! Arrows have tremendous value and purpose. When you point an arrow, it has a target to hit. We like to think our children's ministry and our wonderful, caring volunteers play an important role in helping parents disciple their children, teach them about Jesus, teach them many of the incredible stories found in the Bible, and help them establish a faith that is strong, confident, and unshakable. Join us on Sunday mornings and on Wednesday nights.

2024 vbs student registration

Nursery and Pre-School

Wee Roc

ROC Nursery ministry’s goal is to give parents confidence that their child is being cared for by loving and trustworthy caregivers as they attend a worship service. Our desire is to maintain an environment that is safe and clean and to create an atmosphere of joy for young children. Scripture tells us in Matthew 19:14, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” We believe every child is important to God and can experience His love through our volunteers.

Grades 1-6


Kidz ROC children’s ministry provides teaching and activities for children from first grade through sixth grade. Our mission is to present the truth of God’s Word in such a way that our kids come to know and follow Jesus. The Bible is not just a collection of stories, it is the outworking of God’s plan for the redemption of mankind. We therefore immerse kids in the gospel message from Genesis to Revelation to help them understand God’s love, mercy and grace for them through Jesus Christ. Our desire is for them to understand the truth in order to transform their heart.

4 years & k-5

ROC Children's Church

We are excited about our new Children's Church! Children participate in worship through song and hear from God's Word every Sunday at 10:30 AM. We desire to see kids grow in faith in Christ and develop true Christian friendships!

Mid-Week Ministry for K-2

Jesus and Me

JAM (Jesus and Me) provides a mid-week activity to help children maintain their excitement about Jesus and to grow in the knowledge of the Lord. The ministry is divided into three segments: Bible lesson, Scripture memory and Fun and Games. The goal is to come alongside parents in teaching children the truths of God’s Word that they come to know and accept Jesus as their Savior and Lord.



IGNITE provides a mid-week activity to help older children to grow in their understanding of who Jesus is and what He accomplished on the cross for them. The ministry is divided into three segments: Bible lesson, Scripture memory and Fun and Games. The goal is to teach an age appropriate Bible lesson that will challenge the kids to consider the truth of God’s Word that they might desire to personally follow the Lord in their lives.