Abraham and Lot

Genesis 13:1-13

Family Devotional Study

Historical Background: Abraham was called by God out of the land of Ur to Canaan. He moved as far as Haran until his father died, then he moved into the land of Canaan. He took with him into Canaan his wife, Sarai, his servants and his nephew Lot. In chapter 12 of Genesis there is a famine so Abram takes them all to Egypt. He asked Sarai to say he was his sister, because he feared that Pharaoh would kill him and take her for himself. Pharaoh did indeed take Sarai into his house, but God protected her. When Pharaoh found out that she was Abram’s wife, he sent them back to the land of Canaan. Our story picks up here.

Read Genesis 13:1-13

1. What was the main problem between Abram and Lot?

2. In v.7, we read a seemingly odd statement that the Canaanite and Perizzite dwelt in the land. Why did God put that detail there? What impact may that have had on Abram’s decision to separate from Lot?
    a. We are suppose to be mindful of what others think about God when they look at our lives, how do think our behavior impacts others?
    b. What does that tell us about what concerned Abram more?

3. Abram was the head of the house, older and Lot’s uncle, yet he allowed Lot to choose where he would dwell. What does that tell us about Abram’s character? Lot’s character?

4. Make a note of what Abram and Lot saw when they “lifted up their eyes” (see v.10 and v.14). How does it hint  to us about what is going on in their heart (compare with Luke 12:34)?

5. Most of Israel is hilly and difficult terrain. Abram returns to Bethel, which looks out over the rich Jordan Valley. How did looking out over the Jordan Valley impact Lot’s decision?

6. The Jordan Valley is described as being like two different places. What are they and why is that significant?

7. Abram and Lot were nomads in the land of Canaan. However v.12 begins to show us that Lot began to change. He was a nomad, then moved toward the cities of the valley, then just outside Sodom.
    a. Look at Genesis 14:12, where was Lot dwelling?
    b. Now look at Genesis 19:1, where is Lot sitting? Sitting in the gate means that Lot was a leader in Sodom.  What needed to happen in order for Lot to be in that sort of position?

    c. Clearly the movement is toward more and more sin. How can someone go from being with Abram who walked with God (although not perfectly), to living in a city that is described in 13:13 as “wicked, great sinners”?

    d. What does that teach us that we need to be doing in our life?

  1. What impact did Abram’s choice make on those in his house? In Lot’s house?

  2. How do our choices impact those in our house?

  3. God used these circumstances to separate Abram and Lot to accomplish His will. Abram continued to follow the Lord, why do you think Lot did not? What does that show us we need to do in order to keep walking with the Lord?